Rock Posture
Lore had it that the unknown Jackson Browne lucked out in his search for a label when a record-company office worker stumbled upon his glorious head shot. Based on this apocryphal nugget, some of us '70s hopefuls tried to follow suit. And some of us knew great photographers working in New York like Beth Bischoff and Bruce McCloskey who took pity and shot us for FREE. (As my song catalog goes -- rock, pop, country, reggae -- so follow the photo shoots.) It was a time when Fleetwood Mac, and hair, ruled the air. Note Paul Brokaw, my producing partner since the mid-80s, in a 70s photo looking like a devious cross between Brian Jones and Hunter S. Thompson. And there are recent shots of Rich and Greg Meade and me performing in 2013 (40th anniversary of the Meade Bros. Band) and at the Media Mechanix studio (working with Broke on two new songs). Hardly changed a bit!
Note: cursor over bottom of any photo for credit details.